Thursday, March 29, 2012

Character Skill List

[SP] = Special Skill, aquired via storyline, and can not upgrade. Consumes ALL EP, but power varies by EP used.


Explosive Dropkick - Ground
Blasting Uppercut - Launch
Falcon(m) Dive - Aerial
Crimson Impact - Finisher [SP]

Boost - DMG on next strike increased
Counter Stance - When hit, return with a strike
Provoke - Target will now focus on Mihli
Auroral Barrier - Grants the party a null-strike-shield, however... [SP] (x*EP reduction to stun duration done to Mihli after skill used)


X-Slash - Ground
Viper Bite - Launch
Needle Rain - Aerial
Phantom Scourge - Finisher [SP]

Ghostly Image - Create a shadow that can absorb damage
Vexing Insignia - Boost power of enfeeble effects
Siphon Energy - If while effect is on, when an enemy dies Levin gains their remaining EP.
Bloody Fangs - While in effect, all attacks drain HP from enemy and restores Levin's HP. [SP] (x*EP increases HP gained from damage)


Serpent Surge - Ground
Geyser Rising - Launch
Pressure Cage - Aerial
Torrential Judgement - Finisher [SP]

Mind Over Matter - While in effect, Felius can not suffer from casting interruptions.
Focus - DMG on next spell increased.
Spirit Flare - Grants normal attacks the affinity element bonus.
Crimsas Burst - While in effect, Felius spells take less time to cast. [SP] (x*EP Amount of delay reduced for casting)


Aero Impact - Ground
Bullet Waltz - Launch
Scatter Bolt - Aerial
Divine Message - Finisher [SP]

Guardian Aura - Boost the power of enhancing effects
Charming Smile - Erases all enmity towards self
First Aid - Heals small amount of HP to whole party.
Quick Step - While in effect, Alice gets a SPD boost. [SP] (x*EP Amount of delay reduced between turns)


Break Down - Ground
Phoenix Rising - Launch
Guillotine Drop - Aerial
Brilliant Blaze - Finisher [SP]

Fortification - Regen HP for a short duration to self.
Avant-Garde - For one attack, block 90% of damage
Taunt - All targets increase enmity towards Marianne.
Noblesse Oblige - Grants party a buff in all stats for a short duration [SP] (x*EP Total stat increase)


Aurora Edge - Ground
Fated Arrow - Launch
Energy Storm - Aerial
Arc Eis - Finisher [SP]

Iron Feather - Increases party's Phy.Def and Mag.Def.
Soul Eater - While in effect, if Gunnar kills an enemy, he obtains some HP based on damage.
Reverse State - Removes any debuffs on self.
Time Slip - While in effect, if the enemy hits Gunnar, their actions suffer higher delay. [SP] (x*EP Amount of delay increased)