Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 1 of blogging

Hello everyone and welcome to the Wings of Eternia blog. First off I'd like to thank you for taking the time to look into this project. It's an on going solo project for me, but I do recieve help from others time to time. Currently there is no real demo of this game out atm. So please hang tight while I get some things finished up. The first demo will be expected to be released in the begining of April.

Now for more info on the over part of Wings of Eternia. This game is mainly based on a story about a girl (yes, a girl main character for once that isn't a shooter or a princess game) who is part of the lower working force, the people of Livana. These people are forced to mine crimsas ores in order to get their daily needs from the nobles. The story will take you on an adventure in a quest to free the people from their shakles, all while helping those in need.

==Battle system==

Hate those common turn based RPG Maker games and want to experience something new? Then I think you might have found it. Wings of Eternia has a battle system that isn't really new, but not common at all in the RPG Maker community. I've seen only 1 game with a combo system like mine but it was completely different in the sence of battle.

What's TP?
Every action takes some energy to use, whether it be from healing your party members to performing a normal attack. Each move takes away a certain % of TP. That being said, the max % of TP you can have is 100%. Default TP regain is 1 every second, but if you take the guard stance (Pressing Z) you will regain about 3 TP per second, in exchange of wiping your current combo input (no turn delay though) Note: You do not lose TP when you miss an attack.

Combo Input
This is a combo based battle system. Each turn you can press 3 of the 4 directional buttons (Up, Down, Left, and Right) Based off of what you press determines what move you will use. Such as, normal attack is Left Left Left while explosive dropkick is left left down. At this current time, if you input a combo that has no current known skill it will use up your turn and you will be subjected to the 60 frame turn delay before you next turn comes around. Your turn is indecated when your previous input has been removed from the screen. (The default delay between inputs+skill animation is 60 frames, but there will be haste gear that will shave off some of that delay(or some that adds on to it))

Hit or Miss
In my game, the accuracy of physical attacks is calculated based off of your AGI vs the monsters AGI. You'll notice a difference as you get with in a 5 AGI difference between you and the monster (only bad when you are with in 1 or the monster is much higher then you). Acc caps at 90%, and miss chance caps at 50% (won't go any lower). This is to be kept in mind when choosing out your gear.

There are several functions in the Wings of Eternia series (yes this is only the first chapter) First most noticeable is the difficulty system. At the start of the game you can select what difficulty you would like to play the game at. Another will be the C.F.S. (Crimsas Fusion System) which adds customizing to your character, and there is much much more.

Thanks for reading the "first chapter of blogging" and check back later, as I will be updating often.